Here are the three Medical Center Pharmacy Covid 19 spots that are running in February 2021. Each piece is a 30 second Health Tip which is then followed by a 30 second commercial about the product the client is featuring.
Heart Month #1
February is Heart Month and it’s not just for lovers. February also reminds us to take care of our heart and consider our risk factors. The pandemic is a time for extra vigilance, and it’s more important if you have a history of heart attack, heart disease or stroke. While Covid 19 attacks lung, not heart tissue, the heart is affected because it has to work harder to pump oxygenated blood through the body, and researchers see heart damage in about a fourth of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 infections. I’m Greg Seay with Medical Center Pharmacy.
Have you asked yourself, “Did I take my meds today?” And now that Dad or Mom lives with you in their declining years, do you have even more trouble keeping up with their medication, let alone your own? Have you heard of Pak My Meds from Medical Center Pharmacy? Pack My Meds takes your prescriptions and puts them in individual packets that show the date and time to take them. It separates your morning, midday and evening doses at no additional cost to you! Sign up for Pak My Meds service, free! From Medical Center Pharmacy.
Heart Month #2
February is full of hearts for Valentine’s Day, and it’s only natural that February would be heart health month. Many of the conditions and behaviors that put people at risk for heart disease are appearing at younger ages. Here are the 2 of the major risks: Having uncontrolled high blood pressure is one of the biggest risks. High Blood cholesterol is another. Having diabetes and obesity, eating unhealthy foods and not getting physical activity all contribute to unhealthy cholesterol levels. I’m Greg Seay with this health tip from Medical Center Pharmacy.
Have you asked yourself, “Did I take my meds today?” And now that Dad or Mom lives with you in their declining years, do you have even more trouble keeping up with their medication, let alone your own? Have you heard of Pak My Meds from Medical Center Pharmacy? Pack My Meds takes your prescriptions and puts them in individual packets that show the date and time to take them. It separates your morning, midday and evening doses at no additional cost to you! Sign up for Pak My Meds service, free! From Medical Center Pharmacy
Medical Center Pharmacy Covid 19 and Oxygen
Many people with COVID-19 have low oxygen levels. Low oxygen levels can be an early warning sign of the need for medical care. A pulse oximeter is a small device that clips onto your finger and measures the level of oxygen in your blood. But your oxygen level is not a diagnosis. Some people may feel very sick and have good oxygen levels, and some may feel OK but have poor oxygen levels. And while pulse oximeters are available to the general public, do not diagnose yourself. Always see your doctor. I’m Greg Seay with Medical Center Pharmacy.
Have you asked yourself, “Did I take my meds today?” And now that Dad or Mom lives with you in their declining years, do you have even more trouble keeping up with their medication, let alone your own? Have you heard of Pak My Meds from Medical Center Pharmacy? Pack My Meds takes your prescriptions and puts them in individual packets that show the date and time to take them. It separates your morning, midday and evening doses at no additional cost to you! Sign up for Pak My Meds service, free! From Medical Center Pharmacy