Leila’s Story

Creative Marketing and Professional Copywriting

Creative Marketing and Professional Copywriting

Leila Scantlin was unwittingly brought into the world of radio in college: Durant, Oklahoma.  She voiced commercials in a day when there were no cell phones, no computers; instead, using the good ole typewriter, reel to reels and carts.  She moved briefly to Tulsa and tried her hand at selling.  She really didn’t like it. Little did she know that Creative Marketing and Professional Copywriting were to be a permanent fixture in her career.

Creative Marketing and Professional Copywriting

After returning to Denison, TX, she went to work for an aspiring agency right here at home. She became a media buyer and eventually, Media Director with a staff under her. Later, Leila moved back into the world of radio for a new station in Denison.  There she learned to write and produce commercials.  She assigned out written copy to the air staff as well as herself.  She was Production Manager. That led to a move to Tyler.  The company then expanded to own 3 radio stations in Tyler.  She became the Production Manager for those 3 stations.

Professional Copywriting isn’t all about Radio

Once she left the stations Leila entered the world of Non-Profits.  Big Brother Big Sister in Tyler as a Case Manager and then was hired Executive Director for a now defunct Non-Profit, Parents Anonymous. As a result, she learned how to write RFP’s for grants and PSA’s.

Back to Radio in Denison again, requested by a previous owner to become a News Director and Production Manager. And off to Tyler again, to become the Manager of an herbs and vitamin store.  Then on to become Manager of a rehab/fitness gym with a startup of herbs and vitamins within the gym.

She returned to the same stations in Denison, becoming an A.M. Drive partner on a Hot A.C. format station and Production Manager.  Later moved to a P.M. Drive disc jockey on their rock format station and Production Manager again.

Once again, back to Professional Copywriting

From there she went into an Account Executive position at a TV station writing her own scripts, only to return to the radio stations she had worked at when starting her career so long ago. There she became Sales Manager in 2015 writing scripts for her clients. 

Today, she is a Freelance Writer.  A member of the American Writer and Artists Institute.  And Leila is ready to provide creative marketing and professional copywriting for you!